Tecnologia pos colheita : armazenamento de rosas cultivar "vegas"




Floriculture is one of the agricultural activities that is emerging more and more, not only as to the tecnological point of view but also economical. The Brazilian flower market isprofitable and very interesting because of its small exploration.The rose is one of the main cutting flower commercialised in Brazil, because it is atradicional consumer s tlowers and is cultivated in almost alI the flower producingmunicipalities. The product does not yet have the desired export quality, notwithstanding the fact that it is the most sold cutting flower in the world.The quality of the product that arrives on the consumer s market is closely related to post harvest treatments, where they suffer great important loss that is significant to the economical point of view, initiating when the product is harvested on the field until the final consumer s preparation.In this research the flowers underwent a dehydration process as a post-harvesttreatment. After the tlowers were harvested they were kept and stocked in coolhouses, in water at an adequate temperature with different conditions. (dry or humid; with or withoutconserving solution; and with the use of packing materiais like polyethylene or ribbed paper). The treatment results were compared to the traditional post harvest and durability of the products.The specific heat of roses were also calculated to subsidese futures works on the dimensioning of a cooling systems for flowers


rosa - cultivo rosa - armazenamento

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