Testing strategies to evaluate non-oriented electrical steels losses
Schlegel, J. P., Batistela, N. J., Sadowski, N., Kuo-Peng, P., Bastos, J.P.A, Rigoni, M., Espíndola, A. A. de, Dokonal, L.V.
J. Microw. Optoelectron. Electromagn. Appl.
This paper presents an experimental comparative study of iron losses obtained by means of the Epstein frame, Ring Core and dynamometer tests with non-oriented electrical steel samples. The comparisons are qualitative and they are intended to show the importance of carrying out other tests to evaluate electrical steels in addition to the standard Epstein frame method. In industry, complex or costly tests are avoided, whenever it is possible. This study shows that the ring core test can be a low cost solution since it is effective. For the manufacturer point of view, comparing different commercial steels at purchase time with a simple process is an advantage.
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