The Brazilian Army: military structure and policy planning 1984 - 2007 / Exército brasileiro: estrutura militar e ordenamento político 1984-2007




Broad transformations occurred in the military systems of many countries after the Cold War period. In Brazil , the Army re-dimensioned its military land forces after the Malvinas War when a planning system was structured and implemented. Despite of the continual changes the main lines can be found in the units remodeling, missions and structures. Even with the creation of the Ministry of Defense, the political elements interfered minimally. This restructuring has no direct connection with the post-modernist military model structured by Charles Moskos, which indicates the transformation of the big armies of recruited into the small technological armies with missions different from the traditional inter-state wars. The challenge for those involved in structuring the land forces was to creatively administrate the scarce resources to specialize land warfare professionals, broaden the number of missions without abandoning traditional missions and make military organizational even more operational attaining one leap of quality regardless of any political interest or guidance. The absence of clear political guidance of the armed forces can produce failures in the strategies and missions designs and this can produce, for example, overlaps of their own missions with those of other security organs of the State.


armed forces missions nível de influência política na estruturação da defesa post-modernism military estrutura de defesa de exército brasileiro missões das forças armadas pós-guerra fria political influence in the defense structure brazilian army defense structure state security threats post-cold war pós-modernismo militar ameaças à segurança do estado

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