The Ccr4 Protein from Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Contains a Leucine-Rich Repeat Region Which Is Required for Its Control of Adh2 Gene Expression


The CCR4 gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae is required for the transcription of the glucose-repressible alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH2). Mutations in CCR4 also suppress the transcription at the ADH2 and his4-912delta loci caused by defects in the SPT10 (CRE1) and SPT6 (CRE2) genes. The CCR4 gene was mapped to the left arm of chromosome I and cloned by complementation of function using previously isolated segments of chromosome I. DNA sequence analysis of the cloned gene defined CCR4 as a 2511 bp open reading frame that would encode a polypeptide of 837 amino acids. The CCR4 mRNA was found to be 2.8 kb in size and Western analysis identified CCR4 as a 95,000 D protein. Disruption of the CCR4 gene resulted in reduced levels of ADH2 expression under both glucose and ethanol growth conditions and in temperature sensitive growth on nonfermentative medium, phenotypes essentially indistinguishable from previously identified mutations in CCR4. The amino terminus of the CCR4 protein was found to be rich in glutamine residues similar to a number of genes which are required for transcription. More importantly, CCR4 showed similarity to a diverse set of proteins sharing a leucine-rich tandem repeat motif, the presence of which has been implicated in mediating protein-protein interactions. Deletions of several of the five leucine-rich repeats in CCR4 were shown to produce nonfunctional proteins indicating the importance of the repeats to CCR4 activity. This leucine-rich repeat region may mediate the contact CCR4 makes with another factor.

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