The Functions of Klarsicht and Nuclear Lamin in Developmentally Regulated Nuclear Migrations of Photoreceptor Cells in the Drosophila Eye


The American Society for Cell Biology


Photoreceptor nuclei in the Drosophila eye undergo developmentally regulated migrations. Nuclear migration is known to require the perinuclear protein Klarsicht, but the function of Klarsicht has been obscure. Here, we show that Klarsicht is required for connecting the microtubule organizing center (MTOC) to the nucleus. In addition, in a genetic screen for klarsicht-interacting genes, we identified Lam Dm0, which encodes nuclear lamin. We find that, like Klarsicht, lamin is required for photoreceptor nuclear migration and for nuclear attachment to the MTOC. Moreover, perinuclear localization of Klarsicht requires lamin. We propose that nuclear migration requires linkage of the MTOC to the nucleus through an interaction between microtubules, Klarsicht, and lamin. The Klarsicht/lamin interaction provides a framework for understanding the mechanistic basis of human laminopathies.

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