The gambiarra issue: alternative ways to develop artifacts and its relations to the industrial design / A questão da gambiarra: formas alternativas de desenvolver artefatos e suas relações com o design de produtos




This research proposes the overview of the paradigms that comes from the limits of the traditional concepts of industrial design. The objective is to study alternative types of design, introducing reflections about the meaning and their contributions to social and environment subjects. Gambiarra, a Brazilian original term, usually translated to the expression ?make do?, and seen as an alternative procedure, is used to represent those practices that provide improved artifacts, however relating them to the Brazilian reality. This idea, when related to propositions and concepts of design, contributes with a range of reflections about the constitution of these artifacts on the universe of the Brazilian material culture.


industrial design: post-use cultura material: brasil design theory bricolagem: improvisação jeitinho brasileiro material culture: brazil desenvolvimento sustentável: lixo-rico: necessidades específicas brazilian way sustainable development: valuable rubbish: specific needs bricolage: improvement desenho industrial: pós-uso teoria do design

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