The genetic patrimony elements pateting / Da patenteabilidade de elementos do patrimônio genético




The objective of this master thesis is to construct a legal analysis of patenting genetic patrimony elements by applying legal principles, directives and concepts from the Environmental Law and the Industrial Property Law, where genetic patrimony elements shall mean biodiversity components, associated traditional knowledge, vegetal varieties, microorganisms and both human and animal genetic material. The subject is examined by using a teleological and systematic interpretation of the legal system, starting from the delimitation of the biodiversity concept, its ownership, legal nature, access conditions and the genetic resources application. In the sequence, its importance to the creation of innovative products deriving from biotechnology and other technologies alike is confirmed. Furthermore, the analysis of the industrial property institutes traces its general notions and indicates the general requirements for patenting an invention. On the same opportunity, some interaction points between the Environmental Law and the Industrial Property Law, are identified considering, on one side, the first one as a fulfilling parameter of the undetermined concepts of article 18 of the Brazilian Law nr. 9.279/96 whenever the patent object is a biodiversity element and, on the other side, the Industrial Property Law as an effective instrument to ensure the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the exploitation of the genetic patrimony and of the associated traditional knowledge. In addition, the practical difficulties found on fulfilling the patentability requirements based on the traditional Industrial Property rules are shown. Finally, the analysis of the legal and practical treatment given to the genetic patrimony elements patenting is discussed


biotecnologia biodiversidade biotechnology patrimônio genético genetic patrimony direito environmental law patentes -- brasil industrial property direito ambiental -- brasil biodiversity propriedade industrial -- brasil patents

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