The HLA-DQ beta gene upstream region contains an immunoglobulin-like octamer motif that binds cell-type specific nuclear factors.


A method is described for scanning relatively large fragments of DNA for sequences which bind nuclear factors. This method was used to identify an octamer (ATTTGTAT) in the DQ beta gene upstream region which differs from the immunoglobulin gene octamer (ATTTGCAT) by only 1 bp. The DQ beta gene octamer binds two proteins, one (B2) appears to be B cell specific while the other (B1) is not. These factors are either similar or identical to factors which bind to the octamer motif in immunoglobulin genes. All other class II MHC genes for which sequence information is available contain an octamer motif in their upstream region. Thus, the possibility that these sequences regulate B cell specific expression of class II MHC genes requires careful evaluation.

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