The log-exponentiated generalized gamma regression model with censored data / Modelo de regressão log-gama generalizado exponenciado com dados censurados




In the present study, we propose a regression model using the exponentiated generalized gama (EGG) distribution for censored data, this new distribution is an extension of the generalized gama distribution. The EGG distribution (CORDEIRO et al., 2009) that has four parameters it can model survival data when the risk function is increasing, decreasing, form of U and unimodal-shaped. In this work comes to a natural expansion of the EGG distribution for censored data, is awake distribution the interest for the fact of representing a parametric family that has, as particular cases, other distributions which are broadly used in lifetime data analysis, as the generalized gama (STACY, 1962), Weibull, exponentiated Weibull (MUDHOLKAR et al., 1995, 1996), exponentiated exponential (GUPTA; KUNDU, 1999, 2001), generalized Rayleigh (KUNDU; RAKAB, 2005), among others, and it is shown useful in the discrimination among some models alternative probabilistics. Considering censored data, the maximum likelihood estimator is considered for the proposed model parameters. Another proposal of this work was to introduce a log-exponentiated generalized gamma regression model with random eect. Finally, three applications were presented to illustrate the proposed distribution.


exponentiated weibull verossimilhança. weibull distribution. censored data distribution exponentiated exponential distribution distribuições - probabilidade generalized gama distribution processos estocásticos análise de sobrevivência maximum likelihood dados censurados análise de regressão e de correlação susvival function

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