The Nelson Rodriguess feuilletons: a universe of obsessions in moderate slices / Os folhetins de Nelson Rodrigues: um universo de obsessões em fatias parcimoniosas




This work shows the results of a search whose focuses was a point of view of a little bit explored Nelson Rodriguess expression: his feuilletons texts. First of all, we tended to localize, to identify and to characterize in the feuilletons written for the newspapers during the 40s and the 50s the Authors dramatic structure. Into the quotidian experience subject and the national scenery, we tried to discuss the connexion between this kind of literature and the historical situation, and their reproductions on the social thoughts and relationships in the moment of publication. From the quotidian dimension founded in Brazil of the 40s we have thought especially about the social representations brought in the intrigues created by Rodrigues using his female pseudonyms Suzana Flag and Myrna, discussing with more emphasis the womanhood and the states of the marriage into a conservatory society. May further purpose to fix the constantly dramatists set of themes and his posterior evolution. Drawing a parallel, tented to show the modern man needs in assimilate imaginary worlds created by this impetus and to discuss the phenomenon of literature which this works meant. For this, the studies embraced since Rodriguess experiences as a journalist in Mario Rodriguess his father publications, until his female experiences as writer in journals from that time (O Jornal, Crítica, O cruzeiro), and the posterior practices as a dramatist and chronicler. It was analysed the feuilletons Meu destino é pecar (1944); Escravas do amor (1944); Minha vida (1946); Núpcias de Fogo (1948) and O homem proibido ( 1951), written under Suzana Flags pseudonym; A mulher que amou demais (1949), written under Myrnas pseudonym, connecting them with the daily column A vida como ela é... (1951-1961) and some plays for theatre. At the end, we tended to observe what the feuilletons A mentira (1953) and Asfalto Selvagem (1959-60) disclose about Rodriguess universe.


nelson rodrigues nelson rodrigues myrna folhetim literatura comparada feuilletons suzana flag myrna suzana flag

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