The nerve supply and conducting system of the human heart at the end of the embryonic period proper.


The nerve supply and conducting system were studied in a stage 23 human embryo of exceptional histological quality. The nerves on the right side arose from cervical sympathetic and from cervical and thoracic vagal filaments. Out of their interconnexions vagoxympathetic nerves emerged, which (1) sent a branch in front of the trachea to the aorticopulmonary ganglion, thereby supplying arterial and venous structures, and (2) formed the right sinal nerve, which supplied the sinu-atrial node, and gave filaments to the interatrial septum which could be traced to the atrioventricular node and pulmonary veins. The nerves on the left side arose similarly from cervical sympathetic and from cervical and thoracic vagal filaments. These formed several descending, ganglionated, vagosympathetic filaments that descended to the right of the arch of the aorta and entered the aorticopulmonary ganglion. Filaments leaving the ganglion supplied the pulmonary trunk, ascending aorta, interatrial septum, pulmonary veins, and, as the left sinal nerve, the fold of the left vena cava. The thoracic vagal filaments descended to the left of the arch of the aorta and supplied chiefly the arterial end of the heart. No thoracic sympathetic cardiac filaments were found. The sinu-atrial node began as a crescentic mass in front of the lower part of the superior vena cava. It gradually extended on each side of the superior vena cava and came to form its posterior wall at a more caudal level. The atrial myocardium that formed the septum spurium, venous valves, and interatrial septum could be traced from the sinu-atrial to the atrioventricular node. Myocardium also encircled the atrial aspects of the atrioventricular orifices, and could be traced caudally to the atrioventricular nde. The atrioventricular node was a conspicuous mass in the anterior and lower part of the interatrial septum, from which a clearly defined bundle left to enter the interventricular septum. Right and left limbs were observed, the former being a rounded bundle that passed immediately in front of the root of the aorta.

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