The network with victimized children: the challenges of a whole-protection net / O Trabalho em rede com crianças vitimizadas: Os desafios de tecer a rede de proteção integral às crianças/famílias




In this piece of work, we present a study of the violence against children and the network carried out by different social actors and forces. In order to accomplish this research we used quantitative and qualitative data based on the cases of the children enrolled at CVC-Centro/SMS in the year of 2003. In the quantitative level, we analyze the cases of enrolled children in reference to the origin of their conduction to the center, to the reason of the hypothesis of diagnosis and to the therapeutic orientation. We verified the predominance of boys in demand to the CVC-Centro/SMS in the cases concerning violence against children. In the qualitative level, we selected two cases of violence against children which had the net support for at least a year and involved a diverse range of institutions: governmental and non governmental/NPO. We interviewed social actors such as technicians, counselors for tutelage and others who were involved in the cases. Our aim was to understand the origin and the process the network configuration, to apprehend its challenges, as well as its limits and possibilities for advancement. We mainly aim to detect whether there were changes in the suffering of the children and improvement of the dynamics in family relations. The research allowed understanding that the phenomenon of violence against children can be confronted from the articulation of the net, what allows the extension of the social insertion of children and families. However, the research also allowed realizing that such studies and researches are essential to understand the phenomenon of violence in all its diversity and complexity. It showed the need of intensifying public policies in the city of Santos as well as the need for social programs that include the children in suffering and their families, mainly from the regions of higher social vulnerability. There is the necessity of making an effort based on ethical principles of respect towards citizenship, dignity and to whole protection, something that can be accomplished only through net processes


rede net ethics violencia violência integral ética child criancas maltratadas redes de relacoes sociais proteção servico social whole protection violence criança violencia familiar

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