The New Rga Locus Encodes a Negative Regulator of Gibberellin Response in Arabidopsis Thaliana


We have identified a new locus involved in gibberellin (GA) signal transduction by screening for suppressors of the Arabidopsis thaliana GA biosynthetic mutant ga1-3. The locus is named RGA for repressor of ga1-3. Based on the recessive phenotype of the digenic rga/ga1-3 mutant, the wild-type gene product of RGA is probably a negative regulator of GA responses. Our screen for suppressors of ga1-3 identified 17 mutant alleles of RGA as well as 10 new mutant alleles at the previously identified SPY locus. The digenic (double homozygous) rga/ga1-3 mutants are able to partially repress several defects of ga1-3 including stem growth, leaf abaxial trichome initiation, flowering time, and apical dominance. The phenotype of the trigenic mutant (triple homozygous) rga/spy/ga1-3 shows that rga and spy have additive effects regulating flowering time, abaxial leaf trichome initiation and apical dominance. This trigenic mutant is similar to wild type with respect to each of these developmental events. Because rga/spy/ga1-3 is almost insensitive to GA for hypocotyl growth and its bolting stem is taller than the wild-type plant, the combined effects of the rga and spy mutations appear to allow GA-independent stem growth. Our studies indicate that RGA lies on a separate branch of the GA signal transduction pathway from SPY, which leads us to propose a modified model of the GA response pathway.

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