The occurrence of lipid in the oxyntico-peptic cells of the proventriculus of the fasting domestic fowl.


A histological study has shown that considerable amounts of lipid accumulate in the oxyntico-peptic cells of the proventriculus of domestic fowls deprived of food. Lipid droplets were first seen in the cells 6 hours after commencing the fast and they reached a maximum in 24 hours; a decrease was detected histologically 2 hours after re-feeding and all lipid had disappeared 8 hours after access to food. Lipid was observed in fasted chickens aged from 1 to 27 weeks, in four different breeds, and in certain naturally occurring diseases. Small amounts of lipid were also seen in the proximal convoluted tubules of the kidneys of chickens which had been fasted. The relationship of the lipid to the metabolism of the oxyntico-peptic cells and to certain disease states is discussed.

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