The political revolutionary strike and the social emancipation: from new operary internacionalism to the social-movement-newest-state / A greve polÃtico-revolucionÃria e a emancipaÃÃosocial: do novo internacionalismo operÃrio ao estado-novÃssimo-movimento-social




This research focuses on industrial action as a political-revolutionary movement. It adopts as its reference, the three great political movements which have permeated this phenomenon: anarchism, Marxism, and social-democracy; and the diverse political alternatives suggested by them as emancipative struggles. Secondly, it identifies the return of these doctrines and their new configurations and strategies to solve any contemporary crisis. From this theoretical benchmark and from a new hermeneutic agenda, this paper questions and deconstructs the dogmas and the doctrines that have been used to analyze industrial action. Particular reference is given to the perspective of the International Labour Organizationâs Union Freedom Committee translating the focus from the reformist and reclaiming characters to its importance as a primordial source of Labour Rights. The study concludes with a contribution to sociologist Boaventura de Sousa Santosâ theory of: the indispensable inclusion of the political-revolutionary strike â its strategies, local, supra-national and trans-national articulations â in the range of the so-called emancipative movements of post-modernity, that will aid the construction of the âSocial-Movementâs-Newest-Stateâ.


international labour organizationâs syndical freedom committee movimentos sociais emancipatÃrios social-movement-newest-state greve working syndicalism of reclaiming character anarchism, marxism, neo-social-democracy direito estado-novÃssimo-movimento-social emancipative social movements political-revolutionary strike

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