The Psu protein of bacteriophage P4 is an antitermination factor for rho-dependent transcription termination.


A 0.7-kbp DNA fragment from bacteriophage P4 that contained the polarity suppression (psu) gene was cloned in an expression plasmid. Induction of the plasmid-borne psu gene resulted in the overproduction of a protein having the biological properties of the P4-induced polarity suppressor. In vivo, Psu protein acted in trans to suppress rho-dependent polarity in the late genes of an infecting P2 phage, in plasmid operons, and in the host chromosome. Psu action did not require the presence of other P2 or P4 phage genes. Psu caused efficient readthrough (antitermination) by Escherichia coli RNA polymerase at the rho-dependent terminators tR1 and TIS2, individually and in tandem, but did not affect termination at rho-independent sites. Neither the conserved antitermination sequence boxA nor any unique promoter or utilization sequence was required for Psu activity.

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