The Role of the Epicardium and Neural Crest: as Extracardiac Contributors to Coronary Vascular Development


At species-specific times in embryonic development, the pro-epicardial organ appears as an outcropping of the mesothelial body wall, near the sinus venosus–liver region. The pro-epicardial vesicles attach to the myocardium, flatten, and join to form the epicardium. The epicardium shows epithelial–mesenchymal transformation: cells detach from the epithelium, fill the subepicardial space, and invade the heart tube. Epicardium-derived cells migrate as far as the core of the endocardial cushions, which differentiate into the atrioventricular valve leaflets. In the cardiac wall, other epicardium-derived cells differentiate into interstitial fibroblasts and adventitial and smooth muscle cells of the coronary arteries.

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