The Yersinia pestis YscY Protein Directly Binds YscX, a Secreted Component of the Type III Secretion Machinery


American Society for Microbiology


Human pathogenic yersiniae organisms export and translocate the Yop virulence proteins and V antigen upon contact with a eukaryotic cell. Yersinia pestis mutants defective for production of YscX or YscY were unable to export the Yops and V antigen. YscX and YscY were both present in the Y. pestis cell pellet fraction; however, YscX was also found in the culture supernatant. YscY showed structural and amino acid sequence similarities to the Syc family of proteins. YscY specifically recognized and bound to a region of YscX that included a predicted coiled-coil region. These data suggest that YscY may function as a chaperone for YscX in Y. pestis.

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