THGS: a web-based database of Transmembrane Helices in Genome Sequences
Fernando, S. A.
Oxford University Press
Transmembrane Helices in Genome Sequences (THGS) is an interactive web-based database, developed to search the transmembrane helices in the user-interested gene sequences available in the Genome Database (GDB). The proposed database has provision to search sequence motifs in transmembrane and globular proteins. In addition, the motif can be searched in the other sequence databases (Swiss-Prot and PIR) or in the macromolecular structure database, Protein Data Bank (PDB). Further, the 3D structure of the corresponding queried motif, if it is available in the solved protein structures deposited in the Protein Data Bank, can also be visualized using the widely used graphics package RASMOL. All the sequence databases used in the present work are updated frequently and hence the results produced are up to date. The database THGS is freely available via the world wide web and can be accessed at or
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