Three Size-Classes of Intracellular Adenovirus Deoxyribonucleic Acid 1


When human adenovirus type 2 or 12 infects cells, either productively or non-productively, three classes of viral deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) are found within the cells: (i) viral DNA which cosediments with DNA extracted from infectious adenovirions at 31.3S for adenovirus type 2 and at 29.0S for adenovirus type 12, (ii) viral DNA which sediments at about 18S, and (iii) viral DNA which sediments at >45S and is apparently integrated into the cellular DNA. A precursor-product relationship is suggested as a working hypothesis; the intact viral DNA is hydrolyzed to slowly sedimenting DNA and the slowly sedimenting DNA is integrated into the cellular DNA. Both the parental and the newly synthesized viral DNA are altered by this route. The intact viral DNA within the cells apparently is cleaved into the slowly sedimenting DNA by a preformed enzyme.

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