Time series analysis of pressure fluctuation in gas-solid fluidized beds
Felipe, C. Alberto S., Rocha, S. C. S.
Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering
The purpose of the present work was to study the differentiation of states of typical fluidization (single bubble, multiple bubble and slugging) in a gas-solid fluidized bed, using spectral analysis of pressure fluctuation time series. The effects of the method of measuring (differential and absolute) pressure fluctuations and the axial position of the probes in the fluidization column on the identification of each of the regimes studied were evaluated. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) was the mathematic tool used to analysing the data of pressure fluctuations, which expresses the behavior of a time series in the frequency domain. Results indicated that the plenum chamber was a place for reliable measurement and that care should be taken in measurement in the dense phase. The method allowed fluid dynamic regimes to be differentiated by their dominant frequency characteristics.
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