Toward a Saturated Linkage Map in Tomato Based on Isozymes and Random Cdna Sequences


A linkage map in tomato has been developed based on isozyme and random cDNA clones derived from mRNA. Interspecific backcross and F2 populations of Lycopersicon esculentum and L. pennellii were employed in the linkage analysis. Allelic differences in cDNA markers were based on restriction fragment length polymorphisms detected through Southern analysis. A total of 57 unique cDNA clones have been analyzed. The majority of cDNA markers correspond to single loci and are dispersed throughtout the genome. Of those clones that hybridize to two or more loci, most show genetic independence (ie., they are unlinked). The combination of isozyme, cDNA and previously mapped DNA markers total 112 loci. It is estimated that approximately 92% of the genome can be monitored during segregation with these markers. Molecular maps, such as the one being constructed in tomato, may allow genetic and breeding experiments that previously were not possible.

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