Trabalho, educação e a atual política de formação docente no Brasil: uma análise à luz da crítica marxista. / Work, education and the current policy of teacher education in Brazil: a review in light of the Marxist critique.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation evaluates the ontological relation involving work, education and current policies for the formation of elementary school teachers. It is the upshot of a bibliographic research whose focus was the works of Marx, Engels, Lúkács, Mészáros, among other, in association with analysis of several documents dealing with current policies directed towards formation of elementary school teachers in Brazil. It assumes as a basic theoretical foundation the historic dialectical materialism, approaching Marxism basically as ontology. In this sense, it is centered on the importance of work; a determinate category responsible for the elevation of human beings from a biological instance to a sociological instance as far as it stands for a transforming activity and is the realm of ontological origin of human freedom. It presents a model for the carrying out of work by a system that is controlled by the logic of capital valuation and by exploring conflicting interests as expressed by a capital-work relation. It investigates the role exerted by education over the world of social reproduction according to ontological dependency and relative autonomy in relation to the founding complex. It aims at determining the origin of representations on formation of teachers as recommend by neoliberal policies shackled to capital demands as required by its current crisis and especially by the National Policies for the Formation of Elementary School Teachers (Politica Nacional de Formacao de Professores de Educacao Basica), as instituted by Decree number 6.755 issued on January 29, 2009. It concludes with the assertion that distance education is consolidating itself as a public policy for the formation of teachers mainly by means of Freire Platform whose foundation basis rests on the epistemological praxis field and the paradigm of reflectivity, a model that defaces the role of the teacher and advances subjective praxis as a major factor in a detrimental configuration to theoretical knowledge. It propounds a dialectical vision of social process and revolutionary praxis as a whole in order to develop the awakening of consciences as an indispensable factor to human emancipation.


plataforma freire educação à distância educacao formação docente educação trabalho formation of teachers education work freire platform distance education

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