Transcriptional activation of a ras-like gene (kir) by oncogenic tyrosine kinases.


We report the characterization of a member of the ras gene family that is overexpressed in cells transformed by abl tyrosine kinase oncogenes. The gene, named kir (for kinase-inducible ras-like), is induced at the transcriptional level. kir mRNA has a rapid turnover and encodes a protein of 33 kDa with guanine nucleotide-binding activity but undetectable intrinsic GTPase activity. kir was cloned by differential screening of genes present in fully malignant versus growth factor-independent cell lines expressing wild-type or mutant forms of BCR/ABL. BCR/ABL and v-Abl induce transcription of the kir gene via specific signaling pathway(s), but kir overexpression alone is not sufficient to mediate transformation.

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