Transposition of Tn7 in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Isolation of alk::Tn7 Mutations


Conjugal crosses with Pseudomonas aeruginosa donors carrying the CAM-OCT and RP4::Tn7 plasmids result in transfer of the Tn7 trimethoprim resistance (Tpr) determinant independently of RP4 markers. All Tpr exconjugants which lack RP4 markers have CAM-OCT genes and therefore must have received CAM-OCT::Tn7 plasmids formed by transposition of Tn7 from RP4::Tn7 to CAM-OCT. Most crosses yield exconjugants carrying mutant CAM-OCT plasmids which no longer determine either camphor or alkane utilization and thus appear to carry Tn7 inserts in the cam or alk loci, respectively. Transduction and reversion experiments indicated that at least 13 alkane-negative, camphor-positive, Tpr CAM-OCT::Tn7 plasmids carry an alk::Tn7 mutation. Determination of linkage between the alk mutation and the Tpr determinant of Tn7 on these plasmids is complicated by the presence of multiple copies of the Tn7 element in the genome. Generalized transduction will remove Tn7 from a CAM-OCT alk::Tn7 plasmid to yield alk+ cells which carry no Tpr determinant on the CAM-OCT plasmid (as shown by transfer of the plasmid to a second strain). But the transduction to alk+ does not remove all Tpr determinants from the genome of the recipient cell because the alkane-positive transductants remain trimethoprim resistant. Thus, it appears that copies of Tn7 can accumulate in the genome of P. aeruginosa (CAM-OCT alk::Tn7) strains without leaving their original site. This result is consistent with transposition models that involve replication of the transposable element without excision from the original site.

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