Triglicerides de cadeia media : avaliação da absorção em pacientes portadores de insuficiencia pancreatica exocrina e de sindrome de alça estagnada




Chronic pancreatitis and stagnant loop syndrome are pathologic conditions that can lead to fat malabsorption, and so, harm the nutritional state of the patients. This work reports the results of diet supplementation to these patients with medium chain tryglicerides, prepared by the Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos e Agrícola da UNICAMP from brazilian foodstuff (babassu oil), whose characteristics make them well absorbable by this patients. Also, two methods for measurement of the amount of fat in the stools were compared: KAMER et al.(1949) and ESTEVES et aI.(1982) . A total of 16 patients, with chronic pancreatitis (n=10) and/or stagnant loop syndrom (n=lO), with steatorrhea of more than l6g of fat in stools per day were investigated. This patients were admited in the hospital and kept on special diets for two weeks. One diet contained long chain tryglicerides (LCT) and the other medium chain tryglicerides (MCT). Patients were inquired after the taste and acceptance of the MCT diet. Stools were collected during the last three days of each diet regime period and the amount of fat in the stools was measured by both the methods of KAMER et al.(1949) and ESTEVES et al. (1982).The results indicated that the MCT diet was better absorved than the LCT diet in exocrine pancreatic insuficiency and in stagnant loop syndrom. This investigation also indicated that the method of ESTEVES et al.(1982) shou1d be used for assessment of MCT diets and that the traditional method of KAMER et a1.(1949) should kept for LCT diets


pancreatite triglicerides

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