Tumbling chemotaxis mutants of Escherichia coli: possible gene-dependent effect of methionine starvation.


Some mutants defective in chemotaxis show incessant tumbling behavior and are called tumbling mutants. Previously described tumbling mutations lie in two genes, cheB and cheZ (41.5 min on Escherichia coli map). Genetic analysis of various tumbling mutants, however, revealed that two more genetic loci, cheC (43 min) and cheE (99.2 min), could also mutate to produce tumbling mutants. The genetic map around cheC was revised: his flaP flaQ flaR flbD flaA (= cheC) flaE. flbD is a new gene. When cells were starved for methionine, the tumbling mutants changed their swimming behavior depending on the che gene mutated. cheZ mutants, like wild-type bacteria, ceased tumbling shortly after removal of methionine. The tumbling of cheB or cheE mutants was depressed after prolonged methionine starvation in the presence of a constant level of an attractant. cheC tumbling mutants appeared unique in that they did not cease tumbling even when cells were deprived of methionine. By contrast, arsenate treatment of the tumbling mutants resulted in smooth swimming of the cells in every case. These results suggest that two different processes are involved in regulation of tumbling; one requiring methionine and the other requiring some phosphorylated compound.

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