Um estudo de caso sobre a reflexividade ecológica de trabalhadores hospitalares




The general aim of this study is to analyze the manifestations of ecologic reflexivity on the relationship among subjects working in hospitals and similar institutions. The discussion about the ecologic issue reaches several parts of the modern society and it is motivated by evidences that the life on the planet has been threatened by a series of factors caused by the process of environmental degradation. The health sector is influenced in many ways by this issue, what brings an increase in the debate, in a way to better understand the interface between health and environment, specially when it comes to the adoption of minimization postures of the damage caused by health itself. As a starting point, there#s the presupposition that nowadays we have been affected, in a reflexive way, by these environmental issues. The workers in health care, who are subjects of this time and space, also present manifestations of this reflexivity affected by the ecologic issue. The theoretical reference of the research is structured in a way to make possible a discussion about the conception of the environmental issue, in the light of epistemology (Boaventura de Souza Santos e Enrique Leff); an approach about the insertion of this question in the contemporary sociologic debate (Ulrich Beck e Anthony Giddens); as well as it tries to place this question in the point of view of ethics (Hans Jonas). The investigation had a qualitative approach and was organized as a case study. The fieldwork was a university hospital, where the subjects of this research work actively. The data were collected through document analysis, fieldwork observation, semi-structured individual interview and group interview. The data analysis, after the formation of the analysis corpus, was based on: pre-analysis and preliminary categorization, reorganization of data in significant categories, detailed analysis with the interpretation of the categories in the light of the theoretical reference. The data analysis revealed that the hospital workers are reflexively affected by the current ecologic issues and that different manifestations may be apprehended in their work context, influenced by many factors. Firstly, questions of the interest of the institution are presented, as well as how the need for a debate of the environmental issue emerged in that place. Second, the different opinions of the subjects about the environment issue are revealed, also the fact that many participants and circumstances cause the ecologic reflexivity among themselves, thus influencing their view about the interface health and environment and the feelings that come from this process. As a third step, the analysis is directed towards the hospital work context, revealing that the manifestations are diverse and mainly affected by: the concepts of health and disease, the influence of the hegemonic paradigms of the health sector, the way the institution approaches the topic and the subjecting processes typical of the work in health. Finalizing the analysis, as a fourth step it is discussed the importance of enhancing the ecologic reflexivity by gathering knowledge on the topic and also through ethical discussions, as a way to create ecologic awareness that results in responsible actions towards the environment in the context of hospital work.


etica saude e trabalho pessoal da área médica saude ambiental meio ambiente enfermagem

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