Um olhar histórico sobre as práticas avaliativas ao tempo do movimento da matemática moderna




The study, of historical nature, has as it object the evaluation practices developed by teachers during the period of the New Math Movement (NMM), in the state of Paraná - Brazil. It has as it primary objective the investigation of the evaluation proposed and practiced, on the teaching of the New Mathematics, on Paranás state in the period of 1960 a 1980. The theoretical foundations were based on historical researchers as Miorim (1998), Valente (2003) e mainly on available bibliography about the NMM in Brazil, like Soares (2001), including the Brazilian Annals of the I, III and IV Congress on the Teaching of mathematics taken place in the 50s and 60s. The methodological dimension was oriented by a historic-cultural approach, and was based on historical concepts found on Roger Chartier (1990), Michel de Certeau (1982) e Dominique Julia (2001). The sources of the research were composed considering documents located on public Archives, like the Education Secretary of Paraná, the Paranás State Gymnasium and the Paraná State Schools: Moysés Lupion and Caetano Munhoz da Rocha, and personal archives of students of the investigated period. To understand the legislation involved in evaluation, official legislation documents were consulted, like directives, norms, concepts and scholar documents (examination tests, reports, proceedings of pedagogical meetings, among others). Beyond of the written documents, the study makes use of Oral history registering the memories of teachers that actuated in the investigated period, especially of four math teachers that integrated the Nucleous of Study and Dissemination of the Teaching of Mathematics (in portuguese - NEDEM). NEDEM was the group that disseminated the New Math Movement (NMM) concepts on Paraná, under the coordination of the Teacher Osny Antonio Dacol. The study has shown the permanence of conservative evaluation practices, that were focused on the results (correct results or mistakes) produced by the students and the instruments used to evaluate presented few variations. The examination tests, which were made in the periods depending on the school planning, were usually the only instrument of evaluation. The analysis of the documents and of the teachers interviews has showed a weak presence of the NMM on the investigated Schools: Colégio Estadual Moysés Lupion e Instituto Estadual de Educação Caetano Munhoz da Rocha. It also shows that in the experimental classes on Paranás State Gymnasium, the NMM modern contents proposed were already part of the classes planning material in the 60s. Besides of that, it was also possible to perceive that the learning of Mathematics on the period of the movement was selective and classificatory.


education history educação avaliação educacional matemática - estudo e ensino - história educacao mathematics education, higher ensino superior - dissertações educational evaluation

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