Um problema parabólico com condição de fronteira nãolinear e peso indefinido : existência, regularidade, bifurcação e estabilidade de equilíbrios




This work is concerned with a parabolic problem, occuring in population genetics, under a nonlinear Neumann boundary condition with a weight of indefinite sign and a positive parameter. Considering a phase space appropriate to the physical nature intrinsic to the model, it is proved that the parabolic problem generates a nonlinear dynamical system, which is a gradient system. Therefore, its equilibrium solutions play a fundamental role in the long term dynamics. Then the stationary problem is studied under various aspects: it is proved the existence of a weak equilibrium solution using the variational method; it is established the regularity of weak equilibrium solutions by showing that they are classical ones; the bifurcation and stability structures of equilibria are completely determined. Furthermore the behavior of the trace of the nontrivial equilibrium solution when the parameter is large is established.


matematica equações diferenciais parciais. 2. bifurcação de equilíbrios. 3. estabilidade de equilíbrios. 4. regularidade de soluções. 5. traço (convergêcia). 6. condição de neumann não-linear.

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