Uma análise empírica dos determinantes das exportações brasileiras por setor e por destino (1999-2013)
Casagrande, Dieison Lenon
Manancial - Repositório Digital da UFSM
This study aims to analyze the performance of Brazilian exports, disaggregated by aggregate factor (Basic, Semi-manufactured and Manufactured), to Asia and Trade Partners NAFTA and the European Union, based on monthly data for the period January 1999 to June 2013. For this, were identified based on theoretical grounds, the main determinants and, through statistical tools, equations of short and long run for Brazilian sector exports were estimated, so that they could evaluate the elasticities quantum exported from the country. Still, were analyzed the performance and structure of Brazilian exports sector, their relationships with selected trade partners as well as their participation in world trade. For this, from an extension of the traditional theoretical model of imperfect substitutes, elaborated by Goldstein and Khan (1978), we use the method of Johansen cointegration and Error Correction Model (ECM) for determining the elasticities. Through the traditional literature of foreign trade, it was inferred that the determinants of exports are pegged to an index of income from trading partners, to index relative price of exports and the exchange rate. The results showed that the elasticities are greater than the long term to short term. Facing the sectorial impacts, the elasticities of trade with Asia and NAFTA show that the class of basic goods is more sensitive to income, while the other classes are more sensitive to exchange rate variations. On the other hand, exports to the European Union, income is the main determinant of the classes of manufactured and semimanufactured goods, while basics goods are more sensitive to exchange rates. In reference to average sectorial elasticities, one can say that income is the main determinant of basic products exports, while the classes of semi-manufactured and manufactured goods are more sensitive to changes in price levels. Finally, the negative effect of exchange rate volatility, verified is be a dynamic mainly short run.
exportações setoriais brasileiras modelo de substitutos imperfeitos elasticidades parceiros comerciais cointegração brazilian exports sector model of imperfect substitutes elasticities trade partners cointegration cnpq::ciencias sociais aplicadas::economia
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