Uma estética possível para educação Biomodal: Aprendizagem e comunicação em ambientes presenciais e Virtuais / The possible aesthetics of Bimodal Education: the communication and learning in virtual and face to face environments




This work presents and analyzes the aesthetics of Bimodal Education – half held in classroom, half held virtually – identifying attitudes and places as well as students and teachers’ actions in order to create a favorable atmosphere for the learning and communication processes which take place in virtual and face to face environments, being coherent with the aesthetics of complexity. This study was developed based on theories such as genetic epistemology, autopoietic theory, interdisciplinarity and libertarian education. In order to present and analyze the aesthetics, learning and communication movements occurred among students and the teacher – who was the researcher – involved in the subject Statistics Applied to Education (Estatística Aplicada à Educação), offered by the Education School at Centro Universitário de Jaraguá do Sul – UNERJ. The results showed that the students’ attitudes and actions in the learning environment can be classified in three movements: inhabitants, visitors and transients. The teacher assumed the role of inhabitant, creating and integrating several spaces and knowledge, embracing each student and providing, through the questioning movement, an auto-eco-organization of the students’ certainties and doubts. Regarding the spaces created by the Bimodal Education, it was necessary to emphasize the proximity of the subjects’ meaning and significance of those who were to inhabit these spaces, created based on and for a dialog. The Bimodal Education aesthetics presented and experienced in this research showed that it is possible for the students to assimilate the subject concepts, in a continuous process of grasping consciousness that started with challenges proposed by the teacher, making possible the communication and learning in a Bimodal Education proposal.


learning process tecnologia educacional aprendizagem educação bimodal comunicação virtual environment communication ambientes virtuais bimodal education

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