Un altro mare by Claudio Magris: the exile and its multiple possible readings / Un altro Mare de Claudio Magris: exílio, desenraizamento e identidade - o universo entre dois mundos




The central theme and focus of this dissertation is the exile and his multiple possible readings. Having as base the analysis of the contemporary Italian writers Claudio Magris work, we sought to propose a reading of his romance Un altro mare looking at this theme. To focus the group of themes of the triestino author, we decided to introduce a great analysis of his work. The journey of the research includes a reading of Illazioni su uma sciabola, Il Conde, Le voci, Alla cieca: part of his literary production, with the intention of discovering the favorite themes of the writer. With the purpose of introducing the context that originated his work we decided to show elements which characterize Trieste, city where Magris was born and where were born relevant authors in the Italian and european panorama like Umberto Saba, Italo Svevo, Bobi Bazlen. In the same city was born and lived for a long time Enrico Mreule, the protagonist of Un altro mare. The research approaches successively themes as the identity and the multiculturalism, which are intimately linked to the exile. As a conclusion, the research approaches another context: hints concerning the work of mitteleuropeans writers as Franz Kafka, Joseph Roth, Joseph Von Eichendorff and Knut Hamsun. Indispensable horizon for understanding the work of Magris, writer by his way mitteleuropean.


claudio magris; comparative liturature; exile; identity; italian literature; trieste claudio magris; exílio; identidade; literatura comparada; literatura italiana; trieste

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