Un ferito cavaliero : a musica afetuosa em Luigi Rossi




This dissertation has as proposal analyze the formal and stylistical structure of the Lament Un Ferito Cavaliero of Luigi Rossi, being observed the relation music, poetry and affection. It has the perspective to exhibit its internallogic, covering a way of inquiry, that searchs a connection with the ground social of ends of the Renaissance and beginning of the Baroque one, period of transistion in which the studied workmanship carnes through. Some texts wiIl be examined theoretical (mainly of Girolamo Mei, Vincenzo Galilei and Giovanni Battista Doni), which argue and disclose the concerning ideas to the practical musical of the time, as the bond between the musical sphere and the sphere of the affection, texts that wiIl serve of historical support for the analysis that it intends to construct. The methodology way connects two distinct moments: the analysis that determines the content and form of Un Ferito Cavaliero, is associated, at the same time, to the determination ofits genesis and sense historical


analise musical mimese na arte musica

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