Unloaded shortening of skinned muscle fibers from rabbit activated with and without Ca2+.


Unloaded shortening velocity (VUS) was determined by the slack method and measured at both maximal and submaximal levels of activation in glycerinated fibers from rabbit psoas muscle. Graded activation was achieved by two methods. First, [Ca2+] was varied in fibers with endogenous skeletal troponin C (sTnC) and after replacement of endogenous TnC with either purified cardiac troponin C (cTnC) or sTnC. Alternatively, fibers were either partially or fully reconstituted with a modified form of cTnC (aTnC) that enables force generation and shortening in the absence of Ca2+. Uniformity of the distribution of reconstituted TnC across the fiber radius was evaluated using fluorescently labeled sTnC and laser scanning fluorescence confocal microscopy. Fiber shortening was nonlinear under all conditions tested and was characterized by an early rapid phase (VE) followed by a slower late phase (VL). In fibers with endogenous sTnC, both VE and VL varied with [Ca2+], but VE was less affected than VL. Similar results were obtained after extraction of TnC and reconstitution with either sTnC or cTnC, except for a small increase in the apparent activation dependence of VE. Partial activation with aTnC was obtained by fully extracting endogenous sTnC followed by reconstitution with a mixture of aTnC and cTnC (aTnC:cTnC molar ratio 1:8.5). At pCa 9.2, VE and VL were similar to those obtained in fibers reconstituted with sTnC or cTnC at equivalent force levels. In these fibers, which contained aTnC and cTnC, VE and VL increased with isometric force when [Ca2+] was increased from pCa 9.2 to 4.0. Fibers that contained a mixture of a TnC and cTnC were then extracted a second time to selectively remove cTnC. In fibers containing aTnC only, VE and VL were proportional to the resulting submaximal isometric force compared with maximum Ca(2+)-activated control. With aTnC alone, force, VE, and VL were not affected by changes in [Ca2+]. The similarity of activation dependence of VUS whether fibers were activated in a Ca(2+)-sensitive or -insensitive manners implies that VUS is determined by the average level of thin filament activation and that, with sTnC or cTnC, VUS is affected by Ca2+ binding to TnC only.

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