Use of Directigen and acridine orange for rapid identification of human blood culture isolates.


Of 7,871 blood cultures from hospital patients, 22 yielded growth of Streptococcus pneumoniae or Haemophilus influenzae type b. The identities of 19 (86%) of these 22 strains could be verified after 18 to 24 h of incubation by application of the Directigen meningitis test kit to the unheated, uncentrifuged supernatant from the cultures; thus, the turnaround time for these cultures was halved. Growth in 16 (72%) of the Directigen-positive cultures was detected by visual inspection, and that in 3 (14%) of the cultures was detected by acridine orange staining. Growth in the three remaining bottles (14%) was detected by blind subculturing after 18 to 24 h or incubation and, therefore, was delayed by 24 h. The systematic application the acridine orange stain was helpful in 40 (44%) of 91 cases for which macroscopic inspection failed to reveal growth after 24 h of incubation.

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