Uso de técnicas computacionais no estudo da transcrição e regulação gênica em Homo sapiens e Mus musculus / Use of computational methods to study the transcription and gene regulation in Homo sapiens and Mus musculus




Genes, nucleotide sequences necessary for the synthesis of functional molecules, are transcribed and regulated by extremely complex cellular and molecular processes. To understand when and in which tissues the genes are expressed, their functional isoforms, control regions and the factors involved in gene regulation is one of major challenges of modern molecular biology. Today, the availability of complete genome sequences and transcriptomes, together with the development of new computational methods allows the study of phenomena related to the transcription and gene regulation in a large scale. For example, it is possible to quantify, concomitantly, gene expression of thousands of genes in different tissues and analyze different aspects of their regulation. In this work we developed and applied computational methods to the study of four key aspects of gene transcription and regulation. In the first study, we addressed tissue specific gene expression through the study of genes that are preferentially expressed in the brain and ten different mouse brain regions. In the second study, we identified sequences that are potentially involved in the control of gene transcription through the study of motifs that are over represented in the promoter region of olfactory receptor genes. In the third study, we browsed the human for the presence of intron retention, a type of alternative splicing. In the fourth study, we addressed the transcriptoma complexity and gene expression regulation through the study of pair of sense-antisense genes in human and mouse. In all studies, our results allowed us to make specific conclusions about each phenomenon analyzed which showed us the importance of a large scale approach. In addition, we verified that our computational methods can be efficiently applied to the study of transcription and gene regulation in Homo sapiens and Mus musculus.


transcritos antisenso olfactory receptors alternative splicing expressão gênica gene expression cérebro bioinformatics receptores olfativos splicing alternativo bioinformática brain antisense transcripts

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