Valoração economica dos danos ambientais causados pela erosão do solo agricola : um estudo de caso no municipio de Santo Antonio do Jardim - SP




The present work is related with the question of the ambient valuation, a time that the inadequade exploration of the agricultural activities has affected the natural resources, exerting enourmous pressure to the environment, taking to degradation or exhaustion. The erosion is known as that one that affect the system of agricultural production the most, being also related with itself. Its effect includes the increase of the costs, that they are not computed in the System of National Accounts, falling again on the society all the responsibility of environment damages. Ahead of this, this work looks forward to enter the economic impacts caused by the erosion of the ground agricultural, inside of the country property, seen externaly, in the measure where it does not have you reward of the damages for the beneficiaries of the inadequade use of the ground. For in such a way, is attributed to a economic value alone erosion do, using the cost of replacement of nutrients adjusted, to also contemplate the loss of alone water retention do, for the city of Santo Antônio do Jardim, located the east of the state of São Paulo, having its economy based on the agricultural activity, for the period of 1995 the 2000


sustainability economic valuation economia ambiental sustentabilidade soil erosion valoração economica solos - erosão environmental economics

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