Variabilidade espacial de atritos físicos e químicos em solos de vale aluvial no semiárido de Pernambuco.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The study of soil hydraulic conductivity assumes high importance, being a parameter that measures the easiness which the soil‟s pores transmit water, being a relevant factor for the soil-water-plant system. Associated with this, another important parameter is the physical soil resistance to root penetration, which it has been the subject of extensive study due to its negative influence on soil physical quality cultures. Knowledge of spatial variation in attributes in soil and plant can contribute with the planning and optimization in conducting experiments, as well as the commercial cropsplanning aiming to precision agriculture. In this context, this research aimed to investigate the spatial variability of chemical and physical attributes in soils of an alluvial valley in a semiarid region in Pernambuco State. Hence, tests were conducted with Guelph permeameter for evaluation of the hydraulic conductivity in saturated soil. The evaluation of soil resistance to root penetration was determined with tests on undisturbed samples in laboratory using an electronic penetrometer. The physical and chemical soil characterization was carried out by laboratory tests on deformed and undisturbed samples. Amongst the analyzed attributes, the soil saturated hydraulic conductivity showed the largest coefficient of variation, of about 261.02%. The soil resistance to root penetration values were below the limiting value for preventing the development of plants and the variability of this parameter was classified as medium, with a coefficient of variation of 51.68%. All parameters analyzed were subjected to analysis of descriptive statistics and normality. Additionally, geostatistical analysis was performed, and was constructed semivariograms for theoretical attributes. The semivariogram for the hydraulic conductivity was adjusted to an exponential model; magnesium content to the spherical model, the pH and potential acidity to an exponential one, the sand and clay percentages to a Gaussian model. The soil resistance to root penetration, porosity, density soil, organic matter, potassium, base saturation, calcium, sodium and PST showed pure nugget effect.


resistência à penetração condutividade hidráulica geoestatística análise geoestatística ciencia do solo geostatistical analysis resistance soil to root penetration hydraulic conductivity

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