XXX / Fonologia da língua Terena




The objective of this study is to present a preliminary analysis of Terenas phonological system. An indigenous language spoken in Brazil at the village of Cachoeirinha in the southwestern of Mato Grosso do Sul and classified as belonging to the Arawakan linguistic stock. Our goal is to analyse and describe the phonemic inventory, the syllabic structure and the stress pattern of this language. Linguistic phonological models such as the structuralist phonemic model proposed by Pike (1947) as well as non-linear phonological ones (autossegmental, prosodic and metrical) will be used to analyse the data. This study is composed of four parts. Chapter one presents a classification of Arawakan languages in Brazil. Chapter two describes its segmental level (distinctive features and allophones). Chapter three the syllabic structure and chapter four its stress pattern. Finally, we present a study about words borrowed from Portuguese in Terena (Appendix I).


fonologia indigenous languages língua terena arawakan family família aruák línguas indígenas phonology terena language

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