Zonação no gradiente vegetacional Cerrado Típico - Campo Sujo Vereda, na Estação Ecológica de Águas Emendadas, Brasília DF




The study was performed in the Águas Emendadas Ecological Station, Planaltina, seeking to evaluate the distribution of vegetal species throughout the soil moisture gradient, in three contiguous phytophysiognomic types: Cerrado Típico (CT) Campo Sujo (CS) and Vereda (VE). Both CT and CS can be found in either sides of VE. The distribution of the species throughout the soil moisture gradient was evaluated in the period between March through July of 2006. Ten transects were allocated crossing this environment sequence. These lines, 20 meters apart, allowed the sampling of 2382 parcels of 1 (one) meter each. The CT physiognomy was sampled with 243 parcels; the CS amounted 352 and VE had 1787 parcels. For each individual, it was estimated its vertical projection in the line in each meter (line intercept method), for the calculation of absolute frequency (FA). In general, the species presented three zones of occurrence: dry, humid and flooded, according to the phytophysiognomic sequence. Miconia albicans (sw.) Triana., minutiflora Melinis P. Beauv. (1), Echinolaena inflexa (Poir.) Chase, Croton goyazensis Müll.Arg., Calliandra virgata Benth., Kielmeyera coriacea (Spreng.) Mart. and Styrax ferrugineus Nees &Mart. were the most typical species of dry zone; Parviflora Trembleya (D. Don.) cogn., Eriochrysis sp. Lycopodiella cernua (L.) Pichi-Sermolli, Sisyrinchium vaginatum Spreng at the humid zone, and: Panicum subtiramulosum Renvoize &Zuloaga, Lavoisiera bergii Cogn., Rhynchanthera rostrata DC., Miconia chamissois Naud., Mauritia flexuosa L.F., Ilex affinis Gardner at the flooded zone. While T. parviflora presented bigger frequency values in the humid area, it also occurred in flooded areas. Trembeya parviflora and Lavoisiera bergii were the most important shrubs in the flooded areas, however represented by several dead individuals, suggesting distribution limits on flooded areas. Species zonation occurs as a continuous and gradual pattern, according to soil moisture gradient.


zonação zonation plant gradient gradiente vegetacional wetlands áreas úmidas ecologia

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