Biological Control
Mostrando 1-12 de 2688 artigos, teses e dissertações.
1. Biological Control in Brazil: an overview
The use of Biological Control methods is on the increase, mainly as a result of the mobilization of human resources in entomology studies since the establishment of graduate programs in this country in the 1960s. This review approaches the retrospective of Biological Control in Brazil in recent decades, with an emphasis on the "culture of applying agrochemic
Sci. agric. (Piracicaba, Braz.). Publicado em: 2014-10
2. Enhancement of Population Size of a Biological Control Agent and Efficacy in Control of Bacterial Speck of Tomato through Salicylate and Ammonium Sulfate Amendments
Sodium salicylate and ammonium sulfate were applied to leaf surfaces along with suspensions of the biological control agents Pseudomonas syringae Cit7(pNAH7), which catabolizes salicylate, and Cit7, which does not catabolize salicylate, to determine whether enhanced biological control of bacterial speck of tomato could be achieved. Foliar amendment with sali
American Society for Microbiology.
3. Construction of a Range of Derivatives of the Biological Control Strain Agrobacterium rhizogenes K84: a Study of Factors Involved in Biological Control of Crown Gall Disease
The biological control strain Agrobacterium rhizogenes K84 is an effective agent in the control of Agrobacterium pathogens, the causative agents of crown gall disease. A number of factors are thought to play a role in the control process, including production of the specific agrocins 84 and 434, which differ in the spectra of pathogenic strains that they inh
American Society for Microbiology.
The white mold of soybean, caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, is causing great damage to the soybean crop in Brazil. It is a polyphagous fungus hard to control because it produces resistance structures called sclerotia, which can remain viable in the soil for several years. Aiming its control, various management strategies should be used as the control with
Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UEPG. Publicado em: 2014
5. Computer simulation applied to the biological control of the insect aphis gossypii for the parasitoid Lysiphlebus testaceipes.
In integrated pest management (IPM), biological control is one of the possible options for the prevention or remediation of an unacceptable pest activity or damage. The success of forecast models in IPM depends, among other factors, on the knowledge of temperature effect over pests and its natural enemies. In this work, we simulated the effects of parasitism
In.: ECOLOGICAL MODELLING. Publicado em: 2011
6. Computer simulation applied to the biological control of the insect aphis gossypii for the parasitoid Lysiphlebus testaceipes.
In integrated pest management (IPM), biological control is one of the possible options for the prevention or remediation of an unacceptable pest activity or damage. The success of forecast models in IPM depends, among other factors, on the knowledge of temperature effect over pests and its natural enemies. In this work, we simulated the effects of parasitism
In.: ECOLOGICAL MODELLING. Publicado em: 2011
7. Cloning and Characterization of Aerobactin Biosynthesis Genes of the Biological Control Agent Enterobacter cloacae
Five strains of Enterobacter cloacae that are biological control agents of Pythium damping-off diseases produced the hydroxamate siderophore aerobactin under iron-limiting conditions. Genes determining aerobactin biosynthesis of the biocontrol strain E. cloacae EcCT-501 were localized to a 12.3-kb region, which conferred aerobactin production to Escherichia
8. Assessment of the Importance of Similarity in Carbon Source Utilization Profiles between the Biological Control Agent and the Pathogen in Biological Control of Bacterial Speck of Tomato
Bacterial speck of tomato, caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato, was used to determine whether similarity in carbon source utilization between a preemptive biological control agent and the pathogen was significant in determining the ability of the bacterium to suppress disease. Similarity in carbon source utilization was quantified as the ratio of the n
American Society for Microbiology.
9. Controle da antracnose pós-colheita do mamão com leveduras killer
Repositório Institucional da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC). Publicado em: 2013
10. The multicolored Asian lady beetle, Harmonia axyridis: A review of its biology, uses in biological control, and non-target impacts
Throughout the last century, the multicolored Asian lady beetle, Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) has been studied quite extensively, with topics ranging from genetics and evolution to population dynamics and applied biological control being covered. Much of the early work on H. axyridis was conducted in the native Asian range. From the 1980's to the present, nume
University of Arizona Library.
11. Predador e presa de Culicidae: a interação em microcosmo aquático mediada por bactérias
LOCUS Repositório Institucional da UFV. Publicado em: 2012
12. Use of coherent control methods through scattering biological tissue to achieve functional imaging
We test whether coherent control methods based on ultrashort-pulse phase shaping can be applied when the laser light propagates through biological tissue. Our results demonstrate experimentally that the spectral-phase properties of shaped laser pulses optimized to achieve selective two-photon excitation survive as the laser pulses propagate through tissue. T
National Academy of Sciences.