Mostrando 1-12 de 626 artigos, teses e dissertações.
1. Relações entre condições socioeconômicas, de saúde, psicossociais e satisfação com a vida em idosos cuidadores comparados com não cuidadores / Relationship between socioeconomics, health and psychosocial conditions and life satisfaction in older caregivers compared to non-caregivers
Objective: To investigate the relationships among caregiving and the socioeconomic, health and well-being conditions at aging. Older caregivers were compared with older noncaregivers regarding socioeconomics status (age, sex, income familiar), health status (comorbidities, fatigue, insomnia), psychosocial conditions (depressive symptoms, perceived social sup
IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia. Publicado em: 22/11/2011
2. Evaluation of depressive symptoms in older caregivers
Background The number of older caregivers is getting bigger and it is important to know if they experience depressive symptoms because there can be consequences for both caregiver and care recipient. Objective To analyze the recent publications related to the assessment of depressive symptoms in elderly caregivers. Methods Lilacs and PubMed databases were r
Arch. Clin. Psychiatry (São Paulo). Publicado em: 2015-04
3. Dyspnea and quality of life indicators in hospice patients and their caregivers
This study describes the assessment of dyspnea, symptom distress, and quality of life measures in 163 hospice patients with cancer who reported dyspnea. Mean age of the hospice patient sample was 70.22 years and 61.86 for caregivers (65% were spouses). The majority of patients and caregivers were white: 87%, 63% of the patients were male while 78% of caregiv
BioMed Central.
4. Well-Being of Caregivers of Patients with Laryngeal Cancer Treated by Radiotherapy
Abstract Introduction Laryngeal cancer is the second most common head and neck cancer, but no study to date reports exclusively on the well-being of the caregivers of patients with laryngeal cancer treated by radiotherapy. Objective The present prospective pilot study aims to describe the impact of the work on the well-being of the caregivers of patients
Int. Arch. Otorhinolaryngol.. Publicado em: 2020-06
5. Processo de cuidar em instituições de longa permanência de idosos: (re)pensando a função dos cuidadores
Introduction: This work arises from the need for recognition of the care process in Long-Term Care Institution (LTCI) seeking improvements to the standard of care support network for institutionalized elderly. Purpose: To analyze the process of care in a LTCI, aiming to (co)structuring of care based on practical knowledge of the socialization of elderly care
Repositório Institucional da UFPB. Publicado em: 2014
6. Processo de cuidar em instituições de longa permanência de idosos: (re)pensando a função dos cuidadores
Introduction: This work arises from the need for recognition of the care process in Long-Term Care Institution (LTCI) seeking improvements to the standard of care support network for institutionalized elderly. Purpose: To analyze the process of care in a LTCI, aiming to (co)structuring of care based on practical knowledge of the socialization of elderly care
Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFPB. Publicado em: 2014
7. Collaborative Involvement of Primary and Secondary Caregivers: Associations with Youths' Diabetes Outcomes
Objective Collaboration between youths with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and their adult caregivers may be central to effective management of T1D. This article includes analysis of cross-sectional associations between T1D outcomes (adherence, glycemic control, quality of life, family conflict, depression, and self-efficacy) and scores on the Collaborative Parent
Oxford University Press.
8. Adherence to antiretroviral therapy of Brazilian HIV-infected children and their caregivers
Abstract Background Successful treatment of HIV-positive children requires a high level of adherence (at least 95%) to highly active antiretroviral therapy. Adherence is influenced by factors related to the child and caregivers. Objectives To evaluate children and caregivers characteristics associated to children's adherence. Methods Cross-sectional study
Braz J Infect Dis. Publicado em: 2016-10
9. Communication and health education: the challenge of oral health promotion in the primary care / "Comunicação e educação em saúde: o desafio da promoção da saúde bucal na atenção primária"
The aim of this qualitative study is to know meanings of oral health to children s caregivers and their articulation with the interests in oral health educative practices; it focuses on the communicational interaction between health professionals and caregivers. Semi-structured interviews were conducted. Conclusions: the caregivers conception about oral heal
Publicado em: 2006
This study objectified to analyze an educational process with family caregivers of patients presenting swallowing problems due to Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA) in order to minimize bronchoaspiration risks. Descriptive research with a qualitative approach was held with caregivers of patients presenting swallowing problems due to CVA. Twenty-one (21) caregi
Publicado em: 2007
11. Characterístics of caregivers of dependent elderly persons within the context of Family Health. / "Características dos cuidadores de idosos dependentes no contexto da Saúde da Família"
The prevention of chronic and degenerative diseases, together with health care for the elderly and support for family caregivers, represents new challenges for our health system. Providing care for caregivers is also a responsibility of health professionals. The objectives of the present study were to characterize informal caregivers of dependent elderly per
Publicado em: 2005
12. Prevalence of signs and symptoms in patients with cervical spondylosis / Impacto do ato de cuidar na vida de cuidadores primarios de idosos dependentes
Objetive: This study has as objective to characterize primary caregivers of elderly people in the community with some degree of dependence and identify which are the factors of higher impact in their life. Methods: It had been interviewed 127 caregivers about socio-demographic characteristics, presence of anxiety/depression through Self-Reporting Questionnai
Publicado em: 2008