Death Education
Mostrando 1-12 de 186 artigos, teses e dissertações.
1. Revisão documental da literatura científica sobre educação para a morte a docentes e discentes de enfermagem / Documentary review of scientific literature about death education for teachers and students of nursing.
Death, at least in the vast majority of Western cultures, either on personal, social issues, and/or religious is not the people"s preferred theme, nor treated as a natural subject. But, if so, how those who, by their own work reality, need to live and face the death every single day? What it means for these professionals? Are those people different from othe
Publicado em: 2010
2. What do teenagers have to say about adolescence and the subject of death? / O que os jovens têm a dizer sobre a adolescência e o tema da morte?
This work investigated how the adolescents perceive, reflect and deal with the subject of death and verify how the teenagers explain the high rates of mortality in their age group. Moreover, it was investigated the need of discussing the subject of death with family, friends, professionals and the best way to do it. This reflection is relevant and fundamenta
Publicado em: 2005
The present work has the objective to investigate how the medicine student notices his preparation to work with the death during the degree course. For that the qualitative approach was used. Fifteen students were interviewed, being five of the first, five of the fifth and five of the eleventh semesters. The analysis of the data was accomplished using the me
Publicado em: 2004
4. Socioeconomic status and risk of cancer, cerebral stroke, and death due to coronary heart disease and any disease: a longitudinal study in eastern Finland.
The association of socioeconomic status with the risk of death from ischaemic heart disease and any disease as well as the risk of cerebral stroke and any cancer was studied in 3644 men aged 30-59, based on a random sample from the population of eastern Finland. Age, smoking, blood pressure, and serum cholesterol concentration were allowed for in multiple lo
5. Causes of death among people living with HIV/AIDS in Brazil
BACKGROUND: The monitoring of the underlying causes of death in people living with HIV/AIDS is important so that actions to reduce morbidity and mortality can be taken. OBJECTIVE: To describe the temporal trends of underlying causes of death among people living with HIV/AIDS between 2000 and 2007 in Brazil and to identify factors associated with it. METHODS:
Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases. Publicado em: 2010-12
6. Institutionalization of Older Adults After the Death of a Spouse
Objectives. We investigated the risk of entering long-term institutional care after the death of a spouse in relation to the duration of widowhood among older Finnish men and women. We also examined whether high levels of education or household income buffered the effects of bereavement on institutionalization.
American Public Health Association.
7. Certifying the cause of death: an audit of wording inaccuracies.
AIMS: To audit wording and formulation inaccuracies in certifying the cause of death. METHODS: Five hundred causes of death were analysed from the counterfoils of medical death certificates (Form 66). Wording and formulation inaccuracies were defined as terms contrary to the notes given to doctors in books on death certificates. RESULTS: One or more inaccura
8. Fetal and maternal factors are associated with mortality due to circulatory system disorders in children
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the association of characteristics recorded at the time of birth, including weight, occurrence of asphyxia, gestation duration, maternal age and education level, with death from diseases or malformations of the circulatory system in children under 18 years of age. METHODS The Brazilian Information System on Live Births and I
Rev. Saúde Pública. Publicado em: 01/04/2019
9. "O processo de morte e morrer da criança e do adolescente: vivências dos profissionais de enfermagem" / The process of death and dying of a child/adolescent: revelations of nursing professionals.
We are in a period of great advancements in science, but men are still seeking to understand the process of death and dying. Death is a great scary mystery, it is seen as a taboo, a theme that we must no approach and considered a professional failure. Basead on the presupposition that the nursing professional is not well prepared to cope with patients tha ar
Publicado em: 2004
10. Educación para la Salud y pedagogía de la muerte: percepciones y demandas del profesorado universitario en España
Este artigo analisa o tratamento que tem a morte na universidade espanhola. O objetivo é realizar um estudo exploratório com os professores responsáveis pela disciplina Educação para a Saúde. Utiliza-se abordagem qualitativa por meio de análise de conteúdo e entrevista, para averiguar as necessidades, demandas, percepções e considerações sobre a
Interface (Botucatu). Publicado em: 27/06/2019
11. Representações sociais sobre a morte do paciente para graduandos de enfermagem: o ensino-aprendizagem do cuidado no fim da vida
The care process, which involves the practice of nursing care to patients who are in the terminal phase of life, in addition to professional competence requires emotionally prepared to accept the moment of death. This force that nurse needs to have, is not always possible due to their (dis) academic preparation. Therefore it is necessary to include the issue
Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da PUC_SP. Publicado em: 2014
12. Representações sociais sobre a morte para docentes enfermeiros e suas influências no ensino
Manancial - Repositório Digital da UFSM. Publicado em: 2013