Mostrando 1-12 de 58215 artigos, teses e dissertações.
1. PadrÃo de desenvolvimento econÃmico dos municÃpios no ParanÃ: disparidade, dispersÃo e fatores exÃgenos / Economical development pattern of Paranà districts: disparity, dispersion and exogenus factors
This research main objetive is to analyze the profile, the spatiality and the influence of the hexogen factors on the economic development of the municipal districts of ParanÃ. For that, nineteen economic and social indicators were used that formed the degree of development of each municipal district of Paranà in the year of 2004 and 1979. With those data,
Publicado em: 2007
2. The mammalian oocyte orchestrates the rate of ovarian follicular development
The development of both the mammalian oocyte and the somatic cell compartments of the ovarian follicle is highly coordinated; this coordination ensures that the ovulated oocyte is ready to undergo fertilization and subsequent embryogenesis. Disruption of this synchrony results in oocyte developmental failure. Communication between the oocyte and companion so
The National Academy of Sciences.
ABSTRACT. Over the centuries, the concept of sustainable development was defined mainly through studies conducted by the Commission of Bründtlandt in 1986. The goal of the season was to reconcile economic development with environment. On this track, there was also concern as to measure the development, not only by the increase of income, but also the qualit
Publicado em: 2010
4. Timing of the Maternal-to-Zygotic Transition during Early Seed Development in MaizeW⃞
In animals, early embryonic development is largely dependent on maternal transcripts synthesized during gametogenesis. Recent data in plants also suggest maternal control over early seed development, but the actual timing of zygotic genome activation is unclear. Here, we analyzed the timing of the maternal-to-zygotic transition during early Zea mays seed dev
American Society of Plant Biologists.
5. The Hexosamine Biosynthesis Pathway Is Essential for Pancreatic Beta Cell Development*
Pancreatic exocrine and endocrine cells develop during embryonic life from endodermal progenitors. This process depends on activation of a hierarchy of transcription factors. Although information is available regarding the mesodermal signals controlling pancreas development, little is known about the role of environmental factors such as nutrients, including
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
6. Desenvolvimento mental e motor de crianÃas em creches da rede municipal do Recife
Introduction: data on mental and motor development indexes of infants attending public daycares is of extreme importance aiming to create strategies to improve the neuropsychomotor development (NPMD) of at risk population. Objective: to make a literaure review on child development and to present the results of the assessment of mental and motor development i
Publicado em: 2006
7. Normal and Abnormal Development in the Arabidopsis Vegetative Shoot Apex.
Vegetative development in the Arabidopsis shoot apex follows both sequential and repetitive steps. Early in development, the young vegetative meristem is flat and has a rectangular shape with bilateral symmetry. The first pair of leaf primordia is radially symmetrical and is initiated on opposite sides of the meristem. As development proceeds, the meristem c
8. Analysis of the applicability of one ERP system in product development process. / Análise da aplicabilidade de um sistema ERP no processo de desenvolvimento de produtos.
Product development process has not been considered within ERP systems implementation projects. However, due to the widening of ERP systems scope, with the inclusion of new functionalities, and due to the actual importance of these systems to business process integration, many industries are considering applying ERP systems to support product development a
Publicado em: 2000
9. Caracterização das etapas construtivas no desenvolvimento de veículos, aliadas à integração com fornecedores / Characterization of the constructive stages in the vehicles development, allied to the integration with suppliers
This work aims to analyze the search of the companies of the automotive segment, in the reduction of time to market of their products, under the optics of the relation between suppliers and assemblers of vehicles, in the development of products, in their constructive stages before the production phase. The presented model in this work it bases on next approa
Publicado em: 2006
10. Development of preterm babies: Analysis of maternal experiences / DESENVOLVIMENTO DE BEBÊS PREMATUROS: análise de experiências maternas
The present study had as objective to identify the mothers socioeconomic characteristics, to know the experiences of neonatal internment, to know the mothers perception on their babies development, to know the mothers perception on his/her role in the development through a descriptive study of qualitative approach. The data were collected at the Clinic of Co
Publicado em: 2006
11. CAPITAL SOCIAL E DESENVOLVIMENTO LOCAL: a experiência de Campo do Brito (Se) / SOCIAL CAPITAL AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT: the experience of Campo do Brito (Se)
Finding a new model of socioeconomic development based on sustainable production processes, with better distribution, justice and duration is one of Brazils biggest challenges in the beginning of this century. Therefore, it is necessary to continually perform further studies and research that contribute theoretically and empirically to a better understanding
IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia. Publicado em: 20/04/2010
12. SharpLudus: improving game development experience through software factories and domainspecific languages / SharpLudus: improving game development experience through software factories and domainspecific languages
Digital games are one of the most profitable industries in the world, being a match even for the movie and music industries. However, software development industrialization, an upcoming tendency entailed by the exponential growth of the total global demand for software, will present many new challenges to game development. Studies reveal that there is eviden
Publicado em: 2006