Mostrando 1-12 de 184 artigos, teses e dissertações.
1. Cardiovascular emergencies in primary care: an observational retrospective study of a large-scale telecardiology service
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Electrocardiograms (ECGs) are an essential examination for identification and management of cardiovascular emergencies.The aim of this study was to report on the frequency and recognition of cardiovascular emergencies in primary care units. DESIGN AND SETTING: Observational retrospective study assessing consecutive patients whose digit
Sao Paulo Med. J.. Publicado em: 06/11/2017
2. Does the disbursement of income increase psychiatric emergencies involving drugs and alcohol?
OBJECTIVE: To determine if the incidence of psychiatric emergencies involving drugs or alcohol supports the argument that mentally ill persons contribute to elevated mortality during the days following disbursement of private earnings and public income transfers. STUDY DESIGN: Interrupted time-series using Box-Jenkins methods. DATA COLLECTION/EXTRACTION METH
3. Simulação no ensino de emergências respiratórias
Education through simulation of real treatment has been proved a very useful tool in medical courses. Advantages of this methodology include safe environment for learning, possibility of error without any risk to patients and the development of various skill categories. The use of high-fidelity mannequins simulators (robots) is a good example of simulation c
Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da PUC_SP. Publicado em: 2014
4. Global emergencies
5. Visual system efficiency of security information for fire emergencies in spaces of public use: a study in airports of Recife and Fortaleza. / EficiÃncia do sistema visual de informaÃÃo de seguranÃa para emergÃncias de incÃndio em ambientes de uso pÃblico: um estudo de caso nos aeroportos do Recife e de Fortaleza
The airports users are submitted to emergencies risks that involve fire, however the majority of these citizens do not participate of training to act in such situations. The objective of this work is the investigation of the relationship between graphical presentation of security information for fire situation and the understanding of such information by the
Publicado em: 2007
6. Penile emergencies: a review of the main conditions
Resumo As condições agudas do pênis são raras, geralmente relacionadas a causas traumáticas, vasculares ou infecciosas, e muitas vezes requerem avaliação médica imediata. As emergências penianas podem ter tratamento conservador ou cirúrgico e muitas vezes dependem dos exames de imagem. A ultrassonografia é a modalidade de imagem de escolha na aval
Radiol Bras. Publicado em: 18/04/2019
7. Neurological emergencies
8. Respiratory Emergencies
9. Neurologic Emergencies
10. Nursing Emergencies
12. Endocrine and Metabolic Emergencies