Mostrando 1-12 de 9321 artigos, teses e dissertações.
1. Fast-Food Consumption, Diet Quality, and Neighborhood Exposure to Fast Food: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
The authors examined associations among fast-food consumption, diet, and neighborhood fast-food exposure by using 2000–2002 Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis data. US participants (n = 5,633; aged 45–84 years) reported usual fast-food consumption (never, <1 time/week, or ≥1 times/week) and consumption near home (yes/no). Healthy diet was define
Oxford University Press.
2. Consumer awareness of food antioxidants. Synthetic vs. Natural
Abstract Food antioxidants are a core topic of food science due mainly to the consumption of ultra-processed foods, which cannot be overlooked, and represent an importance to modern society. At the same time, natural food antioxidants are gaining attention in studies due to its food safety aspects, that commonly affect food choices. Based on this, the presen
Food Sci. Technol. Publicado em: 2021-06
3. Food safety knowledge, attitudes and practices of street food vendors in Jashore region, Bangladesh
Abstract Most people now have their meals outside their homes and are vulnerable to illness caused by food. Unsafe food preparation and supply by vendors have made food safety a concern for public health. Jashore is a densely populated city, this study was designed to evaluate food safety knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of food vendors in Jashore regi
Food Sci. Technol. Publicado em: 2021-06
4. Development of the Food List for a Brazilian Total Diet Study
The objective of this paper is to establish a methodology for the Food List for the southeastern region of Brazil, according to the Total Diet Study (TDS) harmonized methodology at international level. The Food List can provide data for a further TDS with evaluation of essential and toxic element dietary intakes by food analysis in laboratories. The food con
Food Sci. Technol. Publicado em: 2015-03
5. The more food webs change, the more they stay the same
Here, we synthesize a number of recent empirical and theoretical papers to argue that food-web dynamics are characterized by high amounts of spatial and temporal variability and that organisms respond predictably, via behaviour, to these changing conditions. Such behavioural responses on the landscape drive a highly adaptive food-web structure in space and t
The Royal Society.
6. Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis of Genomic Digests Demonstrates Linkages among Food, Food Handlers, and Patrons in a Food-Borne Salmonella javiana Outbreak in Massachusetts
A total of 66 isolates of Salmonella javiana isolated from food, food handlers, and patrons that were epidemiologically linked to an outbreak of gastroenteritis were analyzed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Analysis with restriction endonucleases XbaI and SpeI supported the epidemiologic association and suggested a pathway of transmission among food, fo
American Society for Microbiology.
7. Religião e comida: como as práticas alimentares no contexto religioso auxiliam na construção do homem
The present study explores food practices of different natures in several religious contexts in a comparative manner. The main goal is to drive attention to the fact that all religions, if they do not have a pre established food conduct by their doctrines, they have a say about food and how it affects religious disposition. This research is based on exclusiv
Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da PUC_SP. Publicado em: 2014
8. Local food: benefits and failings due to modern agriculture
ABSTRACT: This paper aims to examine the issue raised by the consumption of locally produced food in all its various aspects, and in particular, addresses how this practice contributes to local and global sustainability. It analyzes the different definitions of local food, the strategies used, the implications of the distance traveled in the transportation o
Sci. agric. (Piracicaba, Braz.). Publicado em: 2018-01
9. Intervenção Percutânea da Artéria Coronária Principal Esquerda. Por que os Dados do Mundo Real são tão Importantes?
Abstract Most people now have their meals outside their homes and are vulnerable to illness caused by food. Unsafe food preparation and supply by vendors have made food safety a concern for public health. Jashore is a densely populated city, this study was designed to evaluate food safety knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of food vendors in Jashore regi
Arq. Bras. Cardiol.. Publicado em: 2021-06
10. Artérias Coronárias Após a Operação de Jatene para Transposição das Grandes Artérias: O Papel da Angiografia Coronária por Tomografia Computadorizada no Seguimento
Abstract Most people now have their meals outside their homes and are vulnerable to illness caused by food. Unsafe food preparation and supply by vendors have made food safety a concern for public health. Jashore is a densely populated city, this study was designed to evaluate food safety knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of food vendors in Jashore regi
Arq. Bras. Cardiol.. Publicado em: 2021-06
11. World food and agriculture: Outlook for the medium and longer term
The world has been making progress in improving food security, as measured by the per person availability of food for direct human consumption. However, progress has been very uneven, and many developing countries have failed to participate in such progress. In some countries, the food security situation is today worse than 20 years ago. The persistence
The National Academy of Sciences.
12. Coorte de nascimentos de João Pessoa: efeitos da insegurança alimentar na saúde materno infantil
Food insecurity is a important risk factor that can influence the physical development of children, but can also be a stressor of family relationships. The objective this cohort study was conduct due to evaluate the effect of food insecurity on maternal and child health. 222 mothers (19 to 35 yo) and their new born were follow up. The first interview occurre
Repositório Institucional da UFPB. Publicado em: 2014