Mostrando 1-12 de 42 artigos, teses e dissertações.
1. Algoritmo sequencial para reconhecimento de numerais manuscritos desconectados utilizando redes neurais
The main difficultyin handwritten character recognition consists in developing methods that provide a high recognition rate, although of the large degree of variability of the characteres. This work presents a system for recognition of disconnected handwritten numeraIs, based in analysis of the topology and distribution of pixels from the numerals, and appli
Publicado em: 1996
2. Manuscritos dos séculos XVIII e XIX : edições semidiplomáticas e notas ortográficas
Repositório Institucional da UFMT. Publicado em: 2012
3. SeleÃÃo de protÃtipos: combinando auto-geraÃÃo de protÃtipos e mistura de gaussianas
Prototype selection is a machine learning scheme in which the main purpose is to choose pattern vectors from the training dataset that achieve a better fit to data point distributions and maintain class separation. The aim of this kind of technique is to find the smallest possible prototype set that minimizes the classification error rate. Prototype-based st
Publicado em: 2008
4. Sistema biométrico híbrido para verificação de assinaturas manuscritas / Hybrid biometric handwritten signature verification system
Through this document the development of a new hybrid on/off-line signature verification system is described, where the dynamic reference data is acquired by either a tablet or an instrumented pen and it is used to support the corresponding static signal (image). The signatures are segmented according to the complexity of their constituent strokes based upon
IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia. Publicado em: 15/12/2008
5. Impacts of Computerized Physician Documentation in a Teaching Hospital: Perceptions of Faculty and Resident Physicians
Objective: Computerized physician documentation (CPD) has been implemented throughout the nation's Veterans Affairs Medical Centers (VAMCs) and is likely to increasingly replace handwritten documentation in other institutions. The use of this technology may affect educational and clinical activities, yet little has been reported in this regard. The authors c
American Medical Informatics Association.
6. Impact of Basic Computerized Prescribing on Outpatient Medication Errors and Adverse Drug Events
Few data exist about the impact of computerized prescribing systems on outpatient medication errors (MEs) and adverse drug events (ADEs). We compared the rates of MEs and ADEs in handwritten sites versus sites with basic computerized prescribing. These systems reduced ME rates but did not significantly reduce ADE rates. Failure to monitor accounted for a lar
American Medical Informatics Association.
7. "Multiresolution design of morphological operators from examples" / "Projeto multirresolução de operadores morfológicos a partir de exemplos"
The task of finding a good solution for an image processing problem is often very complex. It usually depends on the knowledge, experience and intuition of an image processing specialist. This complexity has served as a motivation for some research groups to create techniques for automatically designing image operators based on a collection of input and outp
Publicado em: 2006
8. Reconhecimento de caracteres manuscritos baseado em regiões perceptivas
This work investigates the perceptual zoning mechanism for handwritten character recognition. It is proposed a non-symmetrical zoning mechanism as the baseline on the analysis of the confusion matrix for each individual classifier (Class-Modular). Zoning is a method for local information analysis on partitions of a given pattern. The feature extraction is ba
Publicado em: 2005
9. Ensino de língua portuguesa no Paraná : um olhar diacrônico
It is known that researchers and teachers have tried to reach an agreement on the subject of what the best methodology to teach the Portuguese language might be for a long time. In general, the adopted teaching methodology depends on the teachers view of language. Geraldi (1984) points out 3 conceptions that may underlie the teacher´s practice: language a
IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia. Publicado em: 09/12/2009
10. Informações epistolares: memórias em envelopes
With the general objective to analyze the handwritten epistles of theSanta Claus Program of the Correios, 2009 version, as information artifact by electing the aspects of the individual and collective memory of the writers, from Paraíba, the study analyzed 243 handwritten letters that were discarded at the end of the campaign. The research adopted as theore
Repositório Institucional da UFPB. Publicado em: 2014
11. Informações epistolares: memórias em envelopes
With the general objective to analyze the handwritten epistles of theSanta Claus Program of the Correios, 2009 version, as information artifact by electing the aspects of the individual and collective memory of the writers, from Paraíba, the study analyzed 243 handwritten letters that were discarded at the end of the campaign. The research adopted as theore
Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFPB. Publicado em: 2014
This report describes a simple, inexpensive and highly effective instructional model based on the use of a tablet device to enable the real-time projection of the instructor's digitally handwritten annotations to teach chemistry in undergraduate courses. The projection of digital handwriting allows the instructor to build, present and adapt the class content
Quím. Nova. Publicado em: 2015-05