Mostrando 1-12 de 16085 artigos, teses e dissertações.
1. Global History and Latin American History: A Comment
Abstract: Based on Scales of Global History dossier, this article criticizes the silences of Global History in terms of Latin American history, and reflects upon the question of how to include this history on that approach.
Almanack. Publicado em: 2016-12
2. Concepções de história e de cidadania nos livros didáticos e nas diretrizes curriculares: leituras e sentidos (1996 2005)
The present dissertation has the objective of identify and analyze the conceptions of history and citizenship given to read in didactic books of history of the fifth grade, in the National Curricular Parameters of History and in the National Program of the Didactic Book of History. The analysis of this production from the perspective of Social History and fr
Publicado em: 2008
3. Is a family history of coronary heart disease an independent coronary risk factor?
The importance of a positive family history as a primary risk factor for coronary heart disease was examined in a case history study. Of 792 consecutive male patients aged under 60 years who survived a first episode of unstable angina or myocardial infarction, 326 had a negative family history, 298 had a positive history, and in 168 a family history could no
4. AIDS, memory and the history of medicine: musings on the Canadian response.
This paper presents the history of AIDS in Canada with special attention to epidemiology, public policy, and social commentary. The interest in medical history sparked by the epidemic is studied in relation to its impact on public health measures. Conversely, the impact of the disease itself on the history of medicine is examined. AIDS seems to have had a gr
5. Lutas, leis e livros: professores de história na história do ensino no Espírito Santo (1850 - 1950)
Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da PUC_SP. Publicado em: 2013
6. A medicina e o urbano : o Instituto de Higiene de São Paulo e a formação de sanitaristas (1918-1928)
Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Publicado em: 2013
This work has, as indicated on its subtitle, the aim to be a contribution to the Didactics of History. Taking into account the conception that the Didactics of History should perform a own field of studies that allows a better integration between the formal research of academicals History and its school version, this study proposes to investigate one of the
Publicado em: 2008
8. Nietzsche e a crítica ao historicismo: uma análise a partir da relação entre história e vida na segunda consideração intempestiva.
The present work has for purpose analyze through a interpretative reading, the critical of the Nietzsche to the historicism starting from the relationship between history and life. The historicism is understood in this dissertation as the exaggerating use of the historical knowledge, the faith in a philosophy of the history as it presented the Hegelianism an
IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia. Publicado em: 27/09/2012
9. A histÃria local no currÃculo da educaÃÃo bÃsica
The present work is inserted in the scope of the discussions on the subjects of the History teaching, the curriculum experiences and politics and the school subjectsâ history, mainly focusing on the history teachingâs own history. Its analysis target is the teaching of the History of the Recife as an autonomous school subject and on its contributions and t
Publicado em: 2007
10. O ensino de história e os movimentos sociais: práticas de história local nos assentamentos do Conde
This study aims to realize practical teaching of local history in rural settlements in the municipality of Conde, in the state of Paraiba. To do so, the action contextualized, both the teaching of history, as the rural social movements in a period of increased repression in the history of Brazil: the military dictatorship of 1964. On the assumption of non-ne
Publicado em: 2008
11. Developing Historical Competency: Teaching German History Through History Films At University Putra Malaysia (BA German Programme)
Abstract History films personalize, dramatize and emotionalize historical events and characters. They revive the past by exemplifying it in the present, engage ongoing discourses of history and as a result have proven to be the most influential medium in conveying history to large audiences. History films are regarded as an attractive, motivating and efficie
Pandaemonium Germanicum. Publicado em: 2022
The work searchs to reflect on the meaning of history in the work of Hannah Arendt, having as horizon the revision that the author undertakes concerning the traditional separation between theory and politics. In this direction, we supose that the valuation of the action and the indication of the dignity of the politics also enclose the consideration of the e
Publicado em: 2009