Mostrando 1-12 de 12694 artigos, teses e dissertações.
1. A numerical study on the impact behavior of foam-cored cylindrical sandwich shells subjected to normal/oblique impact
Abstract Finite element analysis was used to investigate the impact behavior of the foam-cored sandwich shells under the ballistic impact. The ballistic limit, failure mode of the face-sheet and energy absorption of the uniform/graded core were discussed in this paper. Based on the impact phase diagrams, the effects of several factors (i.e. projectile shape
Lat. Am. j. solids struct.. Publicado em: 2015-11
2. EI Scale: an environmental impact assessment scale related to the construction materials used in the reinforced concrete
This study aimed to create EI Scal, an environmental impact assessment scal, related to construction materials used in the reinforced concrete structure production. The main reason for that was based on the need to classify the environmental impact levels through indicators to assess the damage level process. The scale allowed converting information to estim
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology. Publicado em: 2010-12
3. Impact and fracture resistance of an experimental acrylic polymer with elastomer in different proportions
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact and fracture resistance of acrylic resins: a heat-polymerized resin, a high-impact resin and an experimental polymethyl methacrylate with elastomer in different proportions (10, 20, 40 and 60%). 120 specimens were fabricated and submitted to conventional heat-polymerization. For impact test, a Charpy-type
Materials Research. Publicado em: 2009
4. Impact response of functionally graded conical shells
This paper presents low velocity impact response of functionally graded pretwisted conical shells. The modified Hertzian contact law which accounts for permanent indentation is utilized to compute the contact force and other impact parameter. The time dependent equations are solved by Newmark's time integration scheme. An eight noded isoparametric quadratic
Lat. Am. j. solids struct.. Publicado em: 2015-01
5. Distribuição da proteína IMPACT em encéfalos de camundongos, ratos e sagüis. / Distribution of the protein IMPACT in the mouse, marmoset brain.
O controle da síntese protéica tem papel fundamental em diversas condições fisiológicas, mecanismos homeostáticos e diversos fenômenos de plasticidade neuronal. Um dos principais mecanismos de regulação da síntese protéica é a fosforilacão do fator de iniciação eIF2α. O aumento de fosforilação de eIF2α leva ao bloqueio do início d
IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia. Publicado em: 26/11/2009
6. Impact investing: portfolio company selection in Latin America
The paper analyses how Impact Investors select their portfolio companies in Latin America and what criteria are assessed in the process. Since virtually no research on this has been conducted to date, and since the selection process model applied in Venture Capital is not dissimilar, that approach has been adopted. The findings reveal that Impact Investors o
Repositório Institucional do FGV (FGV Repositório Digital). Publicado em: 2014
7. The amygdala response to images with impact
Effective photojournalism provokes an emotional reaction and leaves a lasting impression upon the viewer. Striking and memorable images are often said to possess ’impact’. Within cognitive neuroscience memorable emotional images evoke a greater amygdala response. Research to date has focused on arousal as a causative factor, while the contribution of app
Oxford University Press.
8. The measurement of social impact and opportunities for research in business administration
Abstract In the last decades, management scholars have examined ways through which firms can build profitable operations while at the same time addressing pressing social and environmental concerns. But how can organizations ascertain whether their isolated or collaborative efforts are truly generating positive impact to their target populations? Measuring r
RAUSP Manag. J.. Publicado em: 2018-03
9. Behavior of fiber reinforced mortar composites under impact load
Abstract This paper presents results of the experimental study on the behavior of plain and fiber reinforced cement mortars with different fibers under static and impact compressive load. Glass, polypropylene and carbon fibers were used in equal dosage by mass. The impact test was conducted using an impact tower with drop hammer, which represented the modif
Lat. Am. j. solids struct.. Publicado em: 26/04/2018
10. Metodologias para a determinação das propriedades de impacto de baixa energia de laminados metal-fibra / Methodologies to determine low-energy impact properties of fiber-metal laminates
Applications of hybrid fiber-metal laminates include, besides aeronautical industry, the automotive and naval industries. Unlike aeronautical field, impact research activities in the former areas of mobility industry are frequently limited by available laboratory equipment, so that it would be desirable to develop low-cost procedures to determine impact resi
Publicado em: 2008
11. Cross-sectional evaluation of socioeconomic and clinical factors and the impact of fibromyalgia on the quality of life of patients during the COVID-19 pandemic
Abstract BACKGROUND: The fibromyalgia impact questionnaire (FIQ) relates to the functional capacity, professional situation, psychological disorders, and physical symptoms, and can identify the factors that determine the impact of the syndrome and characteristics of its carriers; the higher the score, the greater the impact of fibromyalgia on the quality of
Sao Paulo Medical Journal. Publicado em: 2023
12. A framework for sustainability science: A renovated IPAT identity
Learning actors' leverage for change along the journey to sustainability requires quantifying the component forces of environmental impact and integrating them. Population, income, consumers' behavior, and producers' efficiency jointly force impact. Here, we renovate the “IPAT Identity” to identify actors with the forces. Forcing impact I are P for popul
The National Academy of Sciences.